Phrasal verbs with TURN
These are expressions we use every day!
Choose the correct answer
1. I waited at the station for three hours but she didn't turn ___
2. I asked him to marry me, but he turned me ___
3. He gazed longingly at her! But she just stared, then turned ___
4. The weather was foul; our road ahead looked bleak, so we just turned ___
5. We were dreadfully unlucky to this point, but suddenly our luck turned ___
6. Listen here, John, if you don't turn ___ a new leaf, you'll come to a bad end!
7. Be very careful of your new boss! He can at times turn ___
8. Although we turned the place ___ ___ we couldn't find the money!
9. We thought it was going to rain, but it turned ___ sunny
10. I'm getting on a bit so naturally I'm turning a bit ___
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