Illinois Audubon Society Greater Prairie-chicken Quiz

An iconic Illinois-endangered species, the greater prairie-chicken is known for the haunting, resonating boom males produce as they dance on the spring ‘booming ground,’ or lek. Researchers and wildlife managers are working to preserve the Illinois population, to ensure that the Illinois prairie-chicken does not go the way of a close relative, the heath hen, which occurred along the Atlantic coast and was declared extinct in 1932.

Our thanks to Bob Gillespie, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Site Manager at Prairie Ridge State Natural Area, for his assistance with these questions.

Here is a short quiz to test your knowledge about the greater prairie-chicken. If you care to share your email address at the end you will be entered into a drawing for a prize. The contest will close at 5 p.m. on June 5, 2020. Under no circumstances do we share email addresses. Thank you for participating!